
About Segullah & Shelley

Find out what we’re all about


Segullah is a Hebrew noun [seg-ool-law] used eight times in the Old Testament. It is literally translated as God's treasured possession, His jewel, valued and chosen by God.

I (Shelley) have named my ministry Segullah Ministries because of its rich biblical meaning. Deut. 7:6 says, "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you ... to be his people, his treasured possession (segullah)." When people respond to God's desire for spiritual adoption, He is doing so out of His pure love, and by choice and desire. He names His people His treasures, His jewels.


"And the Lord their God shall save them on that day
As the flock of His people;
For they are like the [precious] jewels of a crown,
Displayed and glittering in His land." (Zech. 9:16, AMP.)


God's desire of adoption is not merely to become a benefactor but when He chooses and adopts someone, it is because He knows their value and that they have something special to offer the world. This is an intimate and unique covenant between God and His people. "I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine" (Song of Songs 6:3).


I have a B.A. in Speech Communications and an M.A. in Christian Formation and Soul Care. I have over twenty-five years of ministry experience as a Christian spiritual director, Bible teacher, and as a lifestyle educator and coach. 

From the beginning of my spiritual journey, I have had a hunger to serve the body of Christ, to aid in growing up believers to become more whole in Christ through teaching, leading, and encouraging with compassion and discernment, including through the avenue of Christian spiritual direction and soul care.

As a Christian spiritual director, I enjoy engaging with directees on the nature of being God's treasured possession, and on topics such as spiritual formation, soul care, Christian spiritual disciplines/practices, the natures of the true and false selves, seasons of the soul (consolations, desolations, dark nights of the soul, and so forth), seasons of orientation, disorentiation, and reorientation, and stages of the spiritual journey.

It is my longing for others to genuinely encounter their belovedness in Christ and to live from that reality: that they are God’s treasured possession, His jewel [segullah], created to be delighted in and created with a unique purpose.  My passion is to journey with others so that they might find rest for their souls, encounter their true identity as the beloved of Christ, thus allowing their true vocation to emerge.